Monday, May 11, 2009

When the thunder comes

May 11, 2009 4p (day 348)
I was going to blog yesterday. I was going to have some popcorn for supper. I was even going to watch an hour or so of TV yesterday evening, but I did not get to do any of those things. It has been DRY here, but the second rainy season is getting close, and the last two nights we have had thunderstorms and rain. I normally like thunderstorms. Awesome amount of power in a storm my enthusiasm for a thunderstorm here is not so high because when the thunder comes the electric usually leaves. Last night before I could blog, pop or watch, the thunder came and it was DARK in the house for about 3 hours. Isn’t it amazing how many times you flip on the light switch even when you know the electric is off?
Yesterday was a nice all in all. We went to church and out to Teresa’s favorite SPS restaurant (it was mother’s day). When we got back instead of settling in to a relaxed state (okay, I will go ahead and say it…nap), we loaded up Ariel. Teresa has been treating him for pink eye, but it progressed to another state yesterday. It was awful looking, so it was off to the doctor’s office in La Lima. The doctor gave him a shot and two other antibiotics, but that was not the bad part. The doctor said that he had to drain the infection from the (how do you say this politely?) puss pocket. Yep, I said drain. Doctor lingo for this is going to REALLY hurt. It did. I thought Ariel was going to come off that bed. He didn’t and I will spare you the details. It looks much better today.
I know it is early to blog, but my lesson from yesterday was do what you want to do when you can and before the thunder comes! Rodney
PS. You are not going to believe this, but when I went to post my blog. Guess what? The internet was down. I will try again after while! RW

Friday, May 8, 2009

On the run

May 8, 2009 2p (day 345)
On the run this week…Monday evening we had a meeting with the house parents. Wednesday evening we took out 7 children and one set of house parents for birthday pizza. Talk about eating pizza, these kids can, plus they had ice-cream. I don’t know where they put it all. Thursday evening we had a recreation night with the older kids. They enjoyed playing games, and they really enjoyed the donuts and Pepsi that we brought. As we meet with the older kids, we hope that time will build a relationship with them where we can talk about God and life. Today, the campus celebrated día de madre (mother’s day) with a celebration in the dining hall for all the mothers. The children did a good job making the day special not only for the house moms but the missionary moms as well.
As we walked into the dining hall, I noticed Greisy standing on one of the benches. As I neared her out of the corner of my eye, I saw her launch. Yes, I caught her. I spent the next 30 minutes carrying her around and taking pictures. I have got to run. I took some video with my camera of the mother’s day party, and I need to do some editing. A bit early, but “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY” mom. You are the best! I love you. I won’t be there Sunday to give you a hug, but know that I am praying that you have a great day. Rodney